CyberArk PAM-DEF Exam Dumps

CyberArk PAM-DEF Exam Dumps

CyberArk Defender - PAM

Total Questions : 239
Update Date : October 01, 2024
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CyberArk PAM-DEF Sample Questions

Question # 1

Which CyberArk utility allows you to create lists of Master Policy Settings, owners and safes for output to text files or MSSQL databases?

A. Export Vault Data
B. Export Vault Information
C. PrivateArk Client
D. Privileged Threat Analytics

Question # 2

You have associated a logon account to one your UNIX cool accounts in the vault. When attempting to[b]change [/b] the root account’s password the CPM will…..

A. Log in to the system as root, then change root's password
B. Log in to the system as the logon account, then change roofs password
C. Log in to the system as the logon account, run the su command to log in as root, and then change root’spassword.
D. None of these

Question # 3

To enable the Automatic response “Add to Pending” within PTA when unmanaged credentials are found, whatare the minimum permissions required by PTAUser for the PasswordManager_pending safe?

A. List Accounts, View Safe members, Add accounts (includes update properties), Update Accountcontent, Update Account properties
B. List Accounts, Add accounts (includes update properties), Delete Accounts, Manage Safe
C. Add accounts (includes update properties), Update Account content, Update Account properties, ViewAudit
D. View Accounts, Update Account content, Update Account properties, Access Safe withoutconfirmation, Manage Safe, View Audit

Question # 4

The Password upload utility can be used to create safes.


Question # 5

Which user(s) can access all passwords in the Vault?

A. Administrator.
B. Any member of Vault administrators
C. Any member of auditors
D. Master

Question # 6

What is the purpose of the Immediate Interval setting in a CPM policy?

A. To control how often the CPM looks for System Initiated CPM work.
B. To control how often the CPM looks for User Initiated CPM work.
C. To control how often the CPM rests between password changes.
D. To Control the maximum amount of time the CPM will wait for a password change to complete.

Question # 7

Which is the primary purpose of exclusive accounts?

A. Reduced risk of credential theft
B. More frequent password changes
C. Non-repudiation (individual accountability)
D. To force a ‘collusion to commit’ fraud ensuring no single actor may use a password withoutauthorization

Question # 8

What is the maximum number of levels of authorization you can set up in Dual Control?

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4

Question # 9

A new HTML5 Gateway has been deployed in your organization.Where do you configure the PSM to use the HTML5 Gateway?

A. Administration > Options > Privileged Session Management > Configured PSM Servers > ConnectionDetails > Add PSM Gateway
B. Administration > Options > Privileged Session Management > Add Configured PSM Gateway Servers
C. Administration > Options > Privileged Session Management > Configured PSM Servers > Add PSMGateway
D. Administration > Options > Privileged Session Management > Configured PSM Servers > ConnectionDetails

Question # 10

You are onboarding 5,000 UNIX root accounts for rotation by the CPM. You discover that the CPM is unableto log in directly with the root account and will need to use a secondary account.How should this be configured to allow for password management using least privilege?

A. Configure each CPM to use the correct logon account.
B. Configure each CPM to use the correct reconcile account.
C. Configure the UNIX platform to use the correct logon account.
D. Configure the UNIX platform to use the correct reconcile account.

Question # 11

It is possible to restrict the time of day, or day of week that a [b]reconcile[/b] process can occur


Question # 12

Which of the following files must be created or configured m order to run Password Upload Utility? Select allthat apply

A. PACli.ini
B. Vault.ini
C. conf.ini
D. A comma delimited upload file