Microsoft MB-300 Exam Dumps

Microsoft MB-300 Exam Dumps

Microsoft Dynamics 365: Core Finance and Operations

Total Questions : 312
Update Date : June 05, 2024
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Microsoft MB-300 Sample Questions

Question # 1

Which two features should you use to meet the customer exchange requirements? Each correct answer presents part of the solution. NOTE: Each correct selection is worth one point. 

A. Case management 
B. Customer credit 
C. Document handling 
D. Quality order
 E. Quarantine order 

Question # 2

You need to determine chain applications are required for the Alpine SKi House solution. Which Dynamics 365 apps should you use?

 A. Dynamic J65 Finance, Dynamic 365 Supply Chain Management. and Dynamics Project Operations
 B. Dynamics 365 Finance. Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management. and Dynamics 365 Commerce
 C. Dynamics 365 Finance and Dynamics 363 Supply Chan Management 
D. Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management and Dynamics 365 Commerce 
E. Dynamics 365 Finance. Dynamics 365 Project Operations, and Dynamics 365 Commerce 

Question # 3

You must meet the call center phone system requirements for new customers. What should you use? 

A. Workflow 
B Guides
 B. Remote assist 
C. Power Automate 

Question # 4

You need to configure the customer service representative’s screen to meet the requirements. Which three features must be configured? Each correct answer presents part of the solution. NOTE: Each correct selection is worth one point.

A. Funnel 
B. Favorites 
C. Charts 
D. Workspaces 
E. Security 

Question # 5

You must meet the requirements for frequently asked Questions (FAQs). Which two features are required? Each correct answer presents part of the solution. NOTE: Cacti correct selection is worth one point. 

A. Power Apps app
 B. Remote asist 
C. Power Virtual Agents 
D. Microsoft Dataverse 
E. Azure Data Lake 

Question # 6

You need to configure the Canadian company’s Dynamics 365 Finance system to meet the applications and environment requirements. How should you create the configuration? 

A. Rebuild and update 
B. Data management copy into legal entity 
C. Data management export and import 
D. Lifecycle Services (LCS) export and import 

Question # 7

You need to identify a mechanism to enable products for the sales street team application that meet the requirements. Which tool should you use?

A. Application connector 
B. Common Data Service 
C. Batch data APIs 
D. Dual-write 
E. ODataAPIs 

Question # 8

You need to extend the warranty and SLAs to meet the requirements. What should you do?

A. Integrate the solution with a Dynamics 365 Data Entity.
B. Configure a Power Automate flow for the solution.
C. Configure the solution for a Power Virtual Agents channel.
D. Integrate the solution into a Power Apps integrated social media platform.

Question # 9

You need to load the data for the environment refresh activities. Which location should you use?

A. Microsoft SharePoint
B. Microsoft Azure Data Lake
C. Dynamics 365
D. Microsoft Azure DevOps
E. Project-level asset library

Question # 10

You implement Dynamic 365 Finance. You must post a message to a Microsoft teams channel each time a write-off amount is over $1,000 USD. You need to determine which tools to use. Which two tools should you use? Each correct answer presents part of the solution. NOTE: Each correct selection is worth one point. 

A. Power Apps
 B. Business Events 
C. Dynamics 365 Finance workflow 
D. Power Automate

Question # 11

A company implements Dynamics 365 Finance The company plans to implement the Regression Suite Automation Tool (RSAT) to assist with their automated testing. The company creates test scripts and must store the scripts in a location that is accessible by RSAT. You need to configure RSAT. Where should you upload the test scripts?

A. Microsoft SharePoint
B. Microsoft Azure DevOps 
C. Document Management 
D. Common Data Service 

Question # 12

You are a Dynamic 365 Finance sales manager. You use a Power BI dashboard that shows near-real-time sales data from reports and tiles. It is impractical to keep switching between multiple application. You need to configure a way to access the Power BI reports within the Dynamic 365 Finance client. Solution: Include the power BI reports In a Power BI App and pin the Power BI App to your workspace. Does the solution meet the goal? 

A. Yes 
B. No 

Question # 13

A company implement Dynamics 365 Finance, the company uses business events to trigger sales order processes. The cutoff for shipping customer orders ins 3:00 PM. You need to notify the warehouse manager in a Microsoft Teams channel whenever business events occur after 3:00 PM. Which tool should you use?  

A. Power BI
 B. Power Automate 
C. Workflow framework 
D. Power Virtual Agents 

Question # 14

A company uses Dynamics 365 Finance. You configure a standard workflow for travel requisitions approvals. You configure the workflow which requires a single approver. You configure a pool of five managers to approve all travel requisitions. Managers must submit their own travel requisitions. A separate manager must approve the travel requisition. You need to ensure the system prevents managers from approving their own travel requisitions. What should you do? 

A. Create an escalation path for the Approve travel requisition step of the travel requisition workflow. 
B. Configure an activation condition on the travel requisition workflow to prevent activation for managers. 
C. Set the value of the Disallow approval by submitter option to Yes. 
D. Configure a condition to prevent the approval step from running when the originator is a manager. 

Question # 15

You are implement Dynamics 365 Finance. Data must be imported and exported by using the data management framework. You need to identify which data management scenario is supported by using the data management framework. Which scenario is supported?

A. Data upgrade 
B. Package deployment 
C. Data expansion 
D. Data migration

Question # 16

A company delivers seafood to retail stores. Refrigeration trucks send temperature and distance data from internet of Things (IoT) sensors over 5G. Data is written to an API endpoint in Microsoft Azure. The Temperature and distance data are stored in Common Data Service and edited in Dynamics 365 Finance. You create model- driven apps to visual data. The apps support online and offline modes. You must update the following: * The shipment information in Dynamics 365 Finance based on delivery distance and realtime temperature readings from trucks * The corresponding Common Data Service data with the latest shipment status You need to update the shipment information. What should you use? 

A. Dual-write 
B. Power Automate (Flow) 
C. Azure loT Hub 
D. Azure loT Central 
E. Azure loT Edge