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In what order does Einstein Discoverypresent the insights that it uncovers?
A. Alphabetical, in ascending order
B. Alphabetical, in descending order
C. Insights that explain the most variation in the outcome variable, in ascending order
D. Insights that explain the most variation in theoutcome variable, in descending order
E. B and D
Which dataflow transformation does data sync (replication) reference, in anexistingdataflow, to determine which Salesforce objects and fields are currently being extracted?
A. edgemart
B. sfdcRegister
C. export
D. sfdcDigest
In an org, some of the Activity records do not have related Opportunity records.Additionally, there are Opportunity records that do not have related Activity records.Which SAQL statement will fetch all Opportunities, even if they don't have associatedActivities, and fetchrelated Activity data, if it exists?
A. q = cogroup Opportunity by 'Id', Activities by 'Opportunityld';
B. q = cogroup Opportunity by 'Id', Activities by 'Opportunityld' left;
C. q = cogroup Opportunity by 'Id' right, Activities by 'Opportunityld';
D. q =cogroup Opportunity by 'Id' left, Activities by 'Opportunityld';
Einstein Discovery is a tool that:
A. Is like having a personal data scientist on staff
B. Replaces your team of BI experts and data analysts
C. Helps you hire the best data scientist for your business
D. Understands your business better than you do
A consultant built an Einstein Analytics app for the Sales Operations team. The SalesOperations team wants to share their app with other people at the company. Theconsultant recommends distributing the app as an Einstein Analytics template app.A set of JSON files will be generated after a template is created from the Sales Operationsapp. What is the name of the JSON file that manages template metadata and all othertemplate elements'
A. ui.json
B. template-to-app-rules.json
C. aster- info.j son
D. template-info.json
Which of the following are included in the template object?
A. ui.json
B. app.json
C. variables.json
D. A,B and C
E. A,C
An Einstein Discovery team created a model to maximize the margin of their salesopportunities. They want to deploy the model to the Opportunity object in order to predictthe outcome of every newly created or updated Opportunity.What are the steps to accomplish this?
A. Create a trigger on Opportunity and use the Salesforce External Connector to getpredictions from Einstein Discovery.
B. Create an Apex batch on Opportunity and use the REST API to get predictions fromEinstein Discovery.
C. Create a trigger on Opportunity and install the Einstein Discovery Writeback managedpackage from the AppExchange.
D. Create a trigger on Opportunity and use the REST API to get predictions from EinsteinDiscovery.
What is the order of filter, limit, order and offset functions in SAQL?
A. Filter and order can be interchanged. Offset must be after filter/order and limit mustcome after offset.
How do you open the Actions menu for a particular case shown in a dashboard?
A. Click the Actions bar from a bubble chart
B. Hover over the case number column of the values table widget and click the arrow that appears
C. Double-click the case number in the Actions widget
D. Simply @mention the case manager for thatsegment
What do you have to assign to users before they can access Analytics?
A. Analytics permission set license (PSL)
B. Permission set with at least one Analytics user permission
C. Username and password
D. A and B
E. B and C
The model quality metrics of an Einstein Discovery story indicate that the GINI coefficient inthe four folds are 0.82, 0.83, 0.84, and 0.75, respectively.Which two actions should a consultant take? Choose 2 answers
A. Deploy the story, because the variation in the metrics is within the normal range.
B. Confirm that the overall GINIcoefficient is good prior to deploying the story.
C. Research and check the dataset for outliers in the target field and the main predictorsthat are shown on top of the story.
D. Do not deploy the story immediately, and research why one fold is performingworse thanthe others.
A consultant built an Einstein Analytics dashboard for a company. The company thenrequested an enhancement to the dashboard and provided additional data that needs to bedisplayed. As a result, the consultant decides to "augment" the dataflow.Which phrase describes this transformation?
A. Add data based on the right-side grain
B. Join data similar to an SQL statement
C. Add data as a lookup relationship (left side is the lowest grain)
D. Join data based on a many-to-many relationship