EMC DEA-1TT4 Exam Dumps

EMC DEA-1TT4 Exam Dumps

Associate - Information Storage and Management (Version 5.0)

Total Questions : 112
Update Date : December 01, 2024
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EMC DEA-1TT4 questions and answers provided by us are reviewed through highly qualified EMC professionals who had been with the field of EMC from a long time mostly are lecturers and even Programmers are also part of this platforms, so you can forget about the stress of failing in your exam and use our EMC DEA-1TT4-Associate - Information Storage and Management (Version 5.0) question and answer PDF and start practicing your skill on it as passing EMC DEA-1TT4 isn’t easy to go on so Examforsure is here to provide you solution for this stress and get you confident for your coming exam with success garneted at first attempt. Free downloadable demos are provided for you to check on before making the purchase of investment in yourself for your success as our EMC DEA-1TT4 exam questions with detailed answers explanations will be delivered to you.

EMC DEA-1TT4 Sample Questions

Question # 1

A company wants to implement a Fibre Channel (FC) SAN topology. The implementation will involve deploying four switches for localized compute and storage system connectivity.In addition, to meet their applications’ performance requirements, they need a maximum ofone ISL and redundant connections for their compute to storage traffic.Which topology should be recommended?

A. Full mesh topology 
B. Bus topology 
C. Partial mesh topology 
D. Single-switch topology 

Question # 2

Which VMware product has pre-defined workflows that helps to automate and coordinate the service delivery and operational functions in a storage infrastructure?

B. vSphere ESXi 
C. vRealize Orchestrator 
D. Horizon 

Question # 3

Which data deduplication method increases the probability of identifying duplicate data even when there is only a minor difference between two documents?

A. Variable-length segment 
B. Single-instance 
C. File-level 
D. Object-level 

Question # 4

What accurately describes an object-based storage device (OSD)?

A. One object can be placed inside another object 
B. Objects are created based on the name and location of the file 
C. Objects exist at the same level in the address space 
D. Numerous objects can be stored in a single namespace 

Question # 5

What is an accurate statement about Storage Class Memory (SCM)?

A. SCM is faster than DRAM 
B. SCM read and write speeds are slower than flash 
C. SCM can be addressed at the bit or word level 
D. SCM has volatile memory 

Question # 6

What is a function of a continuous data protection (CDP) appliance?

A. Migrates deduplicated data from the source volume to the target volume during replication 
B. Manages both local and remote replications within and across data centers 
C. Stores all data that has changed from the time the replication session started 
D. Intercepts writes to the production volume and splits each write into two copies 

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