Oracle 1z0-068 Exam Dumps

Oracle 1z0-068 Exam Dumps

Oracle Database 12c: RAC and Grid Infrastructure Administration

Total Questions : 152
Update Date : June 05, 2024
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Oracle 1z0-068 Sample Questions

Question # 1

Which two statements are true about ASM default templates?

A. Default data file templates are only created by ASM when a normal redundancy disk group is created.
B. Default template settings for redundancy depends on the disk group redundancy.
C. Default templates for a disk group can be modified.
D. Default template setting for striping depends on disk group redundancy.
E. Templates may be shared across disk groups.

Question # 2

Which two statements are true about vsam views in a clustered environment?

A. They exist both in ASM and RDBMS instances, and display the same output.
B. Their names can be seen in dict when connected to an ASM instance.
C. Their names can be seen in vfixed_table when connected to an instance of any type that is started.
D. They exist in both in ASM and RDBSM instances, but they can display different outputs depending on the instance type.
E. gvasm_attribute can be used to display the ASM_POWER_LIMIT attribute of all ASM instances in the cluster.

Question # 3

Examine this command to create a volume in the DATA disk group:SQL>ALTER DISKGROUP DATA ADD VOLUME vo11 SIZE 10g HIGHSTRIPE_WIDTH 1M;STRIPE_COLUMNS 1;The DATA disk group has 50GB free space.Which two are prerequisites for successful execution of this command?

A. COMAPTIBLE .ASM and COMPATIBLE .ADVM must be set to 11.2 or higher for the DATA disk group.
B. The DATA disk group must not be created with external redundancy.
C. The DATA disk group must not contain any other volume.
D. The DATA disk group must have at least three failure groups.
E. The DATA disk group must have an AU size of 1MB

Question # 4

Which three statements are true about ASM Cloud File System (ACFS) replication?

A. ACFS auditing information is replicated from the primary file system to the standby file system.
B. One site of an ACFS replication configuration can be host both primary and standby file systems.
C. Replication is automatically terminated if the primaries file system has less than 2GB free space.
D. Standby redo log files are required on the standby site for synchronous redo transport.
E. The privilege SYSREPL has been introduced for ACFS replication.

Question # 5

Which two statements are true regarding ASM Dynamic Volume manager (ADVM)?

A. To create an ADVM volume, disk group attributes COMAPTIBLE .ASM and COMPATIBLE .ADVM must be minimally set to 12.1.
B. An ADVM volume is individually named and can contain only one file system.
C. Only one ADVM volume can be created in an ASM disk group.
D. ADVM extends ASM by providing a device driver interface to storage backed by an ASM disk group.
E. File systems contained in ADVM volumes may only contain database files.